Roman Catholic Bishop preached at Harkujärve

Monday January 2, 2006 went into the annals of the CEC of Estonia, because at a Mass at the St Stephen the Martyr Charismatic Episcopal Church in Tallinn, Estonia. The Roman Catholic Bishop for Estonia, The Most Rev Philippe Jourdan, the last bishop appointed by the late Pope John Paul II, preached at the Alliance Mass in the presence of hundreds of people and many standing in the church building. It was the first year that the Roman Catholic Church of Estonia began to participate in the Annual Alliance week services in Tallinn.

Bishop Jourdan preached a very good sermon about being a Christian, blessed the Gospel reading, gave the blessing after the confession of sin, and prounounced the blessing after the Eucharist. The bishop said regretfully that we are not yet able to celebrate the Eucharist together, but his presence at the service was a wonderful experience.

At the service many leaders of the Christian denominations of Estonia participated, and senior pastors from the largest Protestant churches in Tallinn. All Protestant leaders and pastors received the Body and Blood of Christ, who attended the Mass.

After the liturgy, the priests of The CEC of Estonia and the Vicar General, the Very Rev Dr Heigo Ritsbek, spent two wonderful hours with the Roman Catholic bishop at the rectory living room.